Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Redwood Massacre - Review

Redwood Massacre is a new slasher film from director David Ryan Keith. The story concerns a group of 20 somethings who venture out into the woods in search of a house and instead run into a legendary murderous farmer out to kill anyone who enters his woods.

When I review slasher films I typically compare them to a checklist of items to determine how they fit into the genre as well as give it a fresh spin (for better or worse). The criteria I use for these reviews is pretty simple. Who are the characters and how much do I like them. Who is the killer and how effective is their look. How effective and original are the kills and effects and lastly how original is the story itself in comparison to everything that has come before.

First the characters. The story is centered primarily around a group of 4 friends on a camping excursion. There is the obvious final girl as well as two other females and one male character. Unfortunately the three outlying characters are defined almost singularly by the fact that they exist in a love triangle. The two girls hate each other and as a viewer we have to deal with this through the entire movie. All I wanted was for them to die. It’s in this that modern slasher movies regularly fail. Rather than create characters I can root for they give me people that I want to see murdered as early as possible so that I don’t have to be around them anymore. I should never be rooting for the killer in these movies.

Second is the killer. It’s in this area that I think the movie really shines. I love the look of the farmer. He’s decked out in a scarecrow mask and plaid and he looks legitimately menacing. Overall I really dug the design of this guy and it's definitely the strongest aspect of the film.

Third are the kills and effects. The film does feature some good practical effects and the kills themselves are pretty gruesome but personally like my slasher movies to feature more suspense. This one falls more into “Hostel” territory with the killer opting to tie down and torture many vicitm's only stalking them when absolutely necessary. Considering the location has quite a bit of potential its too bad they didn’t decide to use it a bit more to their advantage throughout. It's worth mentioning that the final girl chase is actually pretty well done.

Finally there’s the story. Redwood Massacre works fine as a standard slasher movie in that it follows the formula. It actually comes off as a pretty blatant rip off of Madman. The back story here is that the farmer goes crazy and murders his family and now spends his days stalking campers in the woods. If you haven’t seen Madman go check it out and you’ll see the similarities.

Overall Redwood Massacre is a middle of the road example of a modern slasher film that too often falls into the trappings of the current trends of the genre rather than relying on the tropes that made the genre great to to start. I don't think you'll be disappointed when you watch it but I don't foresee this as being overly re-watchable.

Score: 2/5


  1. Too bad. I'm itching for a good slasher.

    1. I really wanted to like this one too. Particularly since the killer himself has such a great look and most of the elements are there for a pretty solid movie it just left me underwhelmed in the end.
